Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is PtcTaka company?
PtcTaka company is an international Paid-to-click website that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their advertisement(s) on our site and users to earn money by viewing those advertisements.
Our users click on the advertiser's advertisement and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser.
After viewing the advertisement, the user gets credited with a pre-determined amount of money in their WorkPaid PTC company account.
You don't need to pay us a thing to start earning. So, now that you're a registered user, start earning money for free!
2. How much can I earn?

I. Paid to click

View advertisements, earn cash and earn up to $0.03 per click plus Bonus points.
You need only about 10 minutes of your free time per day to view advertisements while you are online.
On View advertisement section, just click and focus view one ad and wait patiently to load for few seconds.
Once the timer stops, just choose the correct answer on multiple choice and you've got money instantly into your account.

Important Note: We have focus view rule on PTC section. Do not switch windows while viewing.


II. Paid to Sign up Offers

Completing task and earn cash up to $5.00 per approved and bonus points.
Our advertisers wants you to become their downline.
Just register using their referral link. Follow the instruction of the advertiser to get fast approval after complete the offer.


III. Playing ClixGrid

Click and win up to $2.00 plus Bonus points.
Try your luck. This is a free Game of luck and have the chance to win from $0.001 and up to $2.00
You have free 15 chances up to 60 chances to play the game depends on your membership.


IV. Extra Money from Offerwalls

If you using offerwalls, you can earn even 10 times more than by watching advertisements.
Go to menu " Offerwalls " and choose PTC Wall, Offers4all, ClixWall, AdClickWall, Plewall, KiwiWall, AdscendMedia, Adgatemedia, Offertoro, Minutestaff, Wannads, Superrewards and Adworkmedia.
After complete the offer you will be paid to your account balance. Please pay attention that you may be not qualified for some surveys, tasks or offers. Qualification doesn't depend on workpaid PTC company, but advertisers only.

V. Promoting WorkPaid PTC company

Build your downline and get Bonus points for every referred member.
Earn from referral's click and get 5% commission for their purchased regular advertising credits and also earn upgrade membership commission from $0.10 up to $3.00.
Promote your referral links on free traffic exchange and social networks, show your banners too.
The amount of referrals varies between your membership.

3. How much money can I make from my referrals?

You earn a certain percentage (according to your membership type) of 4 Standard Ads click value for 30 days. You also earn from "Extended Ads", but this ad is not available daily.
For more information, please visit our

4. How can I find my referral link to promote this website?

How can I find my referral link to promote this website?

5. How can I find my referral link to promote this website?

No, we believe you don't need more than one account. If we detect multiple accounts that relate to the same person, all relevant accounts will be closed. Please do not join from public networks (like companies, schools) that are all using the same IP address.
Be careful: 24hr unique IP click and connection!

6. Can I change my username?

No, your account is identified based on your username. Therefore it cannot be changed.

7. I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

Click Login from the menu, and click the link "Forgot Password?" or follow this link:

8. Why is there more ads when I am logged out?

You will see more ads when you are logged out because our system allows advertisers to set demographic filters to their ads.

9. How often can I click advertisements?

You can click advertisements every 24 hours. The ads reset at midnight (00:00h) Server Time.

10. I'm not getting credited for my referral's click. Why is that?

You need to click advertisements every day in order to receive referral earnings the following day. View the upgrade page in your member area for more information about this.

11. When and how will I get paid?

The minimum payout is $1.00 for all membership.
This amount will increase by $1.00 for each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $5.00. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.
All payments will be made within 24 hours upon request or within 7 days after being requested if the payment processor services are down.

12. Do I have to invest in order to get paid?

No, you do not have to invest in order to get paid.

13. How often do I need to log in to prevent account termination?

Members must log in at least once every 30 day(s) in order to stay active. Inactive members could have their accounts suspended and forfeit any account balance, memberships, points, referrals and advertising credits.

14. What is a referral?
Referrals are users like you who have joined WorkPaid PTC company, however they also earn money for you when they view advertisements.
There are two type of referrals:
1. Direct Referrals: These users registered using your username as their referrer.
Direct Referral Basics:

These are few easy ways you can use to get your direct referrals
  • Use social media - such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blog
  • Advertise us on various websites
  • Tell your friends and family
  • Use Traffic Exchange
2. Rent Referrals: These users registered without a referrer.
Rented Referral Basics:

With rented referrals, you can rent them monthly (30 calendar days) to work for you.
  • The quantity of referrals available will vary depending on how many users registered without a referrer.
  • If you are happy with their performance, you can extend them at a discount rate up to 40%!
  • Recycle your referrals: You can recycle each referral any time you want to.
  • Is your referral inactive or just clicks a few advertisements per day?. No problem. Check the upgrade page, for a small fee you can recycle them. replace him/her with a new active referral.
  • Note: Recycling rented referral does not renew the rental period, the new referral maintains the original rental period.


  • The rental cost of rented referral starts as low as $0.20 per month!